
Jack Casey has been telling the true story of Bat Shea since he found the archive materials in 1977. Since then he’s done this compelling true story as a newspaper serial, a historical novel, a theatrical play with 12 original dramatic songs and a screenplay.
Attorney, former politician, author and songwriter, Jack Casey has published 2 other historical novels and a political satire based on true events. After graduating from Yale and doing graduate work at University of Edinburgh, Casey taught Latin at Taft School, subsisted as a California housepainter, traveled Europe as a vagabond busker, became a lawyer, practiced law, served 14 years as NY Senate Parliamentarian, and was Rensselaer County Republican chair for 7 election cycles. Jack’s now offering his diverse original music to any recording stars who’d like a new hit while finishing his latest, greatest historical work. Find out more about Jack at www.JackCasey.com.
Jack Casey is represented by DiamondsBigAsRadishes.com